How to stop overthinking: Detached mindfulness

How to stop overthinking: Detached mindfulness

How to stop overthinking: Detached mindfulness We all over-think from time to time. Some of us overthink nearly everything and might be experiencing clinical levels of anxiety, while some of us might only over-think in response to certain situations (dwelling on that...
How to change unhelpful thinking styles: Part two

How to change unhelpful thinking styles: Part two

How to change unhelpful thinking styles: Part two In the second instalment of this three-part blog (see part one here) we will continue to take a deeper look at some of those common unhelpful thinking styles that we all fall into from time to time. These thinking...
How to change unhelpful thinking styles: Part one

How to change unhelpful thinking styles: Part one

How to change unhelpful thinking styles: Part one In our previous social media tip series we introduced unhelpful thinking styles (aka. unhelpful thinking traps, negative automatic thoughts, or cognitive distortions) and provided a strategy to manage these types of...